Getting Started for In-Store/Call Center

An overview of the minimum requirements for In-Store/Call Center merchants to successfully integrate with ChargeAfter.

To get started with ChargeAfter functionality, this is what you minimally need for a basic integration via the API:

Application Process

  1. Get your API keys to use with the the Omni-Link API to send links to initiate Apply and Checkout flows and to get link data.
    See Omni-Link.
  2. Set up Merchants Notifications to listen to consumer interactions with the links.
    See Merchants Notifications.

Post-Sale Process

  1. Use the following endpoints for post-sale charges:

Reconciliation Process

  1. Call the GET ....../v2/post-sale/fundings/report to return the merchantTransactionId and the merchantOrderId to confirm that funds were transferred.
    Note: This call potentially returns a very large payload. You can use the offset and limit parameters to paginate results. To ensure that all results from the paginated payload are received, keep calling the API with the next offset until no new results are received.
    See GET funding report.

Note: Custom integrations are also possible.