Add Promotional Widget


A widget to be displayed on the product page. It informs shoppers that financing is available, it helps conversion by showing a low monthly cost, and allows the user to apply for financing ahead of checkout.

Product Page Widget

  1. Go to the NopCommerce Admin > Configuration > Local Plugins

  2. In the plugin filter, select Payment methods and for the ChargeAfter Consumer Financing plugin, click the Configure button:

    Plugins List

    Plugins List

  3. Scroll to the Promotional section:

    Promotional section

    Promotional section

  4. Fill in the following fields:

    Enable promotional widgetAllowed to display a promotional on the product pageYes
    Promotional widget TagUsed to apply promotions to select items or item categories.
    Financing page UrlProvide a link to the funding pageEmpty
  5. Save

  6. You're done!