
This guide describes how to integrate the ChargeAfter's financing solution into your Shopify store.

Getting Started - Install ChargeAftePlugin

  1. Access the ChargeAfter Payment Gateway by following one of the links below, according to the brand that you are interested in:
    SatisFi Brand
    Consumer Financing Brand
  2. Press the "Add app" button and log in to your store. You will be redirected to the installation page, in some browsers additional click on "Add app" button is needed.
  3. After logging into your store, a prompt pops up and asks you to install the ChargeAfter payment gateway. Click on Install app, shown below:

4.You should be redirected to the payment gateway settings page after installation. Also, you can return to the Settings page > Payments > Supported payment methods > select Payment Method by ChargeAfter. Click on the green Manage button:

  1. You will be redirected to complete the activation if this is the first installation (step 7).

Alternatively, you should be redirected to the Settings page.

  1. Enter the public and private API keys in the appropriate fields in the Settings panel and choose Transaction mode. You should receive two different sets of keys from ChargeAfter from Sandbox and Production environments.
    7. Click on the Save button:

You should see an offer above the form to complete the payment gateway settings after saving. Click on the Activate Provider link, shown below:

  1. You should be redirected to step 3 with the payment gateway configured. On this updated screen, you can choose Test mode for Shopify transactions. Click on the Activate Checkout Financing button to enable payment gateway to the checkout:

  1. In case of multi-branded plugin installation please select the brands to appear on your payment method. In this case of single branded plugin you can skip this step.

  1. Done. Your customers can now use ChargeAfter: