Testing the Integration
Dealing with systems that are based on real customer data for various purposes (e.g. risk profiling, underwriting, etc.) can be a burden. ChargeAfter offers a set of tools that enables you to test the entire integration with ease during development.
Creating Test Cases
Before going live, it is highly recommended to develop test cases. After you create your test cases, you can use various testing options.
Testing Environments
ChargeAfter provides the following testing environments dedicated to various merchant or lender setups:
- UAT1
- UAT2
- ChargeAfter Sandbox: This sandbox is 99% aligned with Production.
Your Project Manager will determine which environment is best for your testing needs.
Lender Emulators
ChargeAfter provides lender emulators (mocks) that generate simulated financing offers. Each mock is for a specific lender and enables you to test our product without having to generate valid information or access the lender's system.
ChargeAfter also provides the testing data that you need to use to test specific flows. To access this data, contact your Project Manager or the Solutions Team.
Lender Sandbox
In addition to the above tools provided by ChargeAfter, you can also test within a sandbox of a real lender.
Updated 5 months ago
Monitor, control, and analyze the merchant’s financing test activity via the Merchant Dashboard