
User Management in Operate


Admin Access Only

Only Admins can access the Users module. For the privileges associated with each user role, see User Roles.

Viewing Users

The Users Lists displays the following information for each user:

  • UPDATED: Timestamp of the last update to the user.
  • USERNAME: The username that provides access to Operate.
  • ROLES: The user role of the user.
  • STATUS: The current status of the user. Possible values:
    • Invited: The user was sent an email invitation but has not yet accepted.
    • Invitation Expired: The user did not accept the invitation within the configured time period.
    • Invitation Revoked: The invitation was cancelled by an Admin.
    • Active: The user accepted the invitation and is active.
    • Blocked: The user was blocked by an Admin and cannot access Operate.
  • STORE: For the Sales Manager user role, this field is populated with the store email address.
    For the Regional Sales Manager user roles, this field is populated with the default store name.
  • USER ID: A unique identifier associated with the user.

Customizing the View

You can customize the information visible in the Users List.

Selecting Columns to View

You can select which columns to display in the Users List.

To select which columns to view:

  1. Click the Columns button.

    The Edit Columns window opens.
  2. Select the checkboxes next to the columns you want to view.

  3. Click Confirm.

Reordering the Columns

You can customize the order in which the columns are displayed in the Users List.

To re-order the columns:

  1. Click the Columns button.

    The Edit Columns window opens.
  2. Grab the Grid icon next to a column and drag and drop into place.

  1. Click Confirm.

Sorting the Information

In the Users List, the Updated, First Name, and Last Name columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order.

To sort user information in ascending or descending order:

  1. Hover your mouse to the right side of a column to display the Arrow symbol.

  1. Click the Arrow symbol.

Searching User Information

To search for users via any of the criteria in the Users List:

  1. Next to any column in the Users List, click the Filter icon.

    A pop-up search window opens.
  2. Enter or set your search terms.

  3. Click Confirm. Applied filters are displayed above the Users list and filtered results populate the Users List.

  4. To clear all filters, click the Clear Filters

button. To clear a selected filter, click the X next to it.

Sharing Filtered Users

After applying filters to the Users list, you can copy the URL. This enables you to easily share with others in your organization or return to the same applied filters later.

To copy the URL, click the Copy URL


Exporting User Information

To export the Users List:

  1. Click the Export button.
  2. Select your timezone and file type preferences.
  3. Click Export. The file downloads to your computer.

Managing Users

Editing a User

To edit a user:

  1. Click the Edit icon at the far right of the user row.
  2. Edit any fields.
  3. Click Save.

Adding a User

To add a new user:

  1. Click the Add User button.
  2. Complete the fields and select the user role.
  3. Click Save. An invitation will be automatically emailed to the new user.

Sending an Invitation

If you add a new user, an invitation will be automatically emailed to them.

If an invitation has expired, you can send another invitation.

To send an invitation:

  1. Click the Edit icon at the far right of the user row.
    Note: The user must have a status of Invitation Expired.
  2. Click the Actions button.
  3. Select Send Invitation Link.
  4. On the confirmation message, click Confirm.

Revoking an Invitation

If a user has been sent an invitation to Operate but has not yet accepted, you can revoke the invitation.

To revoke an invitation to a user:

  1. Click the Edit icon at the far right of the user row.
    Note: The user must have a status of Invited.
  2. Click the Actions button.
  3. Select Revoke.
  4. On the confirmation message, click Confirm.

Blocking a User

To block a user from accessing Operate:

  1. Click the Edit icon at the far right of the user row.
    Note: The user must have a status of Active.
  2. Click the Actions button.
  3. Select Block.
  4. On the confirmation message, click Confirm.

Unblocking a User

To unblock a user from accessing Operate:

  1. Click the Edit icon at the far right of the user row.
    Note: The user must have a status of Blocked.
  2. Click the Actions button.
  3. Select Activate.
  4. On the confirmation message, click Confirm.

Deleting a User

To delete a user from Operate:

  1. Click the Edit icon at the far right of the user row.
    Note: The user must have a status of Active.
  2. Click the Actions button.
  3. Select Delete.
  4. On the confirmation message, click Confirm.

Exporting User Information

To export the Users List:

  1. Click the Export button.
  2. Select your timezone and file type preferences.
  3. Click Export. The file will be downloaded to your computer.

What’s Next