Users management

Merchant users' management

In Operate for Merchants, we have different user roles:

  • Admin
  • Operator
  • Sales App Manager
  • Viewer
  • Call Center Operator

Admins - can see and manage all the different views, including post-sale actions on charges, and invite and manage the users' section.

Operator - can see and manage all the different views, including post-sale actions on charges BUT can not access the users' section.

Sales App Manager - In case the merchant operates in an In-Store channel, this role is used to set up access to sales reps who are using our sales app product.
Sales app managers won't have access to Operate.

Viewer - can see all the data in the different modules, in read-only mode. Viewers can't modify entities, or take actions like post-sale, export, etc. In addition, viewers can't manage users.

Users List

The merchant users section provides a list of all existing users for this specific merchant.
Table fields:

  • Updated: last update timestamp
  • First name: first name of the user
  • Last name: last name of the user
  • Email: the user's email address
  • Username: Username that provides access to Operate
  • Roles: Admin, Operator, Viewer

Admins, can invite new users and grant access to Operate.