
Install via Composer

  1. Create your Magento authentication keys
  2. In Magento root directory, from your CLI, run the following commands:
composer require chargeafter1/magento-extention
composer update
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile


Due to the nature of Magento, you might need to Flush Magento Cache after extension installation.

Install via Command Line

  1. Download the extension .zip file
  2. Extract into app/code in Magento root directory, to have app/code/Chargeafter/Payment
  3. In Magento root directory, from your CLI, run command:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade


Due to the nature of Magento, you might need to Flush Magento Cache after extension installation.

Check Extension Status

  • Navigate to Magento2 Admin. The extension appears on the Payment Methods list in Store > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods:

  • Or check extension status via CLI:
php bin/magento module:status Chargeafter_Payment

Configure as a Payment Method

  1. Go to Magento2 Admin > Store > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods
  2. Scroll to ChargeAfter payment on Other Payment Methods section:

  1. Click the Configure button above and update the following configurations:
Base Settings
Enable this SolutionOnce you complete the configuration, Enable ChargeAfter as a payment method. If it is set to ‘yes’, it appears on Checkout page.No
TitleThe payment method title you see in your Checkout page.'Chargeafter payment'
DescriptionThe payment method description that appears in the checkout below the payment method title.'Your description goes here'
Payment from applicable countriesRestrict the payment method to specific countries.All Allowed Countries
Transaction TypeSet to capture enabling auto capture at the end of checkout experience. Otherwise, the transaction is authorized only and it requires manual capture operation later.Authorization
Billing address equals shippingIf set to yes, customers will not have billing address option for a payment method and always use a shipping address as a billing.No
Sort OrderThe order in which this payment method is displayed in the list of payment methods in the checkout. To change order, enter any number greater than 0.Empty
API Settings
Mode/EnvironmentThis is the environment that you are using. If you are in testing mode, use ‘Sandbox’ and if in live mode, use ‘Production’.Sandbox
Production Private API KeyYour private production key. Provided by ChargeAfter.Empty
Production Public API KeyYour public production key. Provided by ChargeAfter.Empty
Sandbox Private API KeyYour private sandbox key. Provided by ChargeAfter.Empty
Sandbox Public API KeyYour public sandbox key. Provided by ChargeAfter.Empty

  1. View the Checkout page: