The Omni-Link API calls are used to send a link for the consumer to start an application or checkout. The link can be sent via email or SMS to either the consumer or merchant device (in-store only).


  • To send an application link: POST .../v2/omni-link/consumer/application
  • To send a checkout link: POST .../v2/omni-link/consumer/checkout
  • To retrieve the latest data on a link: GET .../v2/omni-link/consumer/{linkId}

Tips on Sending Links

The following tips can help you better understand how to use the Omni-Link API calls.

Indicating a Delivery Method

The deliveryMethod field of the linkOptions object is used to specify if you want to send the link via email or SMS.


Be sure to indicate a delivery method and provide the corresponding consumer info.

If the deliveryMethod is not indicated, then no link will be sent.

If Email is indicated for the deliveryMethod, the consumer email must also be provided in the consumer object.

If Sms is indicated for the deliveryMethod, the consumer mobilePhoneNumber must also be provided in the consumer object.

Indicating a Link Format

With the linkFormat parameter of the linkOptions object, you can indicate that the link be a URL, QRCode, or UrlAndQrCode.

Creating Automatic Charges and Settlements

If you are sending a Checkout link, you can indicate if charges or settlements can occur automatically.

If you want a charge (authorization) to occur automatically when the checkout completes, send a value of true for charge in the checkoutOptions object.

If you want the charge to be automatically settled upon charge creation, send a value of true for both charge and settle in the checkoutOptions object.

Link Expirations

Unless determined otherwise by your configuration, all links expire after 24 hours.

Unless determined otherwise by your configuration, a single link can be used to create multiple applications. However, the link will expire if any application created with a link reaches one of the following application statuses:

  • Prequalified (in the Apply flow only)
  • Approved
  • Declined

Tracking Applications Created via Links

To know when a consumer has created an application (within either an Apply or Checkout flow) via the link, you can use various methods:

Receiving Updated Cart Info

If the consumer updates a cart during checkout, you can receive updated cart info via the links.checkout-data-update webhook.