Line of Credit

This widget will display the offer with the lowest interest rate that a consumer can get. Clicking “learn more” launches a pop-up window with a detailed description of the financing plan and other disclaimers, based on:

  1. Item price
  2. Promotional codes configured for the merchant

This widget uses the following attributes:

  • data-widget-type: “product-widget-line-of-credit”
  • data-widget-item-sku: “[your-product-name]”
  • data-widget-item-price: “[your-product-price]”
  • data-widget-financing-page-url: “[your-financing-page-absolute-url]”
  • data-widget-mode: “[brand-focus/price-focus]” // optional, defaults to "price-focus"


The widget can be placed anywhere on your website. Recommended:

  • Product Page
  • Item Catalog
<div class="ca-promotional-widget" 


Must include a data-widget-financing-page-url in order for the widget to work


Apply From The Widget!

There's an option to enable customers to apply for financing ahead of checkout, directly from the line of credit widget. This is a highly effective way to increase sales and AOV. Contact our support team via email to set it up