Consumers Walkthrough

Search Box - Located at the top of the page, the search box provides the ability to search for consumers by consumer email address, consumer phone number or lender name.


Consumer's Main Information


Last Checkout - The last time the consumer checked out
Name - Consumer's full name
Email - Consumer's email address
Phone Number - Consumer's phone number
Lender - Financing provider's name
Approved For - The amount ($) that the consumer was approved/pre-approved for
Last Checkout Total - Last checkout amount ($)
Stage - Types:

  • Approved - The consumer was approved for financing but did not finalize the purchase
  • Confirmed - The consumer confirmed the purchase, but a charge was not created
  • Charged - The consumer made a purchase

Consumer Details

Click on a specific consumer to get more information:
Consumer Details - On this tab, you can find additional information about the consumer such as consumer ID, billing/shipping address, and available credit.


Last Checkout Details - On this tab, you can find amounts, name, SKU, quantity, and unit price of the last checkout.