The Final Postback URL

The Completion Callback

The postback URL will be used upon flow completion. The postback receive 3 arguments as can be seen in the example below:

  statusTrackingId: <UUID>, //tracking ID
  applicationId: "1234a6b4", //id unique for every launch of ChargeAfter flow (modal window)
  correlationId: "", // as passed in the request
  tags: {}, // as passed in the request
  token: "11799f58-3c06-42a6-b5d5-1c85fa0829fc", // GUID, optional field for checkout only
  consumerId: "11799f58-3c06-42a6-b5d5-1c85fa0829fc",
  availableCredit: [{
  	creditAmount: "5000",
  	lender: {
    	name: "lenderName",
      id: "lenderId"
  consumerDetails: {
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Doe",
    email: "[email protected]",
    mobilePhoneNumber: "2124454545",
    merchantConsumerId: "merchant-internal-consumer-id",
    shippingAddress: {
      line1: "3 My Street",
      line2: "My Building, 4th floor",
      city: "New York",
      zipCode: "10019",
      state: "NY"
    billingAddress: {
      line1: "3 My Street",
      line2: "My Building, 4th floor",
      city: "New York",
      zipCode: "10019",
      state: "NY"
  lender: { // optional - only post successful checkout
  	name: "Lender",
    id: "lenderid"
  orderInfo: { // optional (only checkout)
  	totalAmount: 1100, 
  	taxAmount: 50,
  	shippingAmount: 50
  error: {
  	code: "Error code",
    message: "Human readable description of the error"
  • token - a confirmation token that can be used to commit a charge. This parameter will be null for users going through the "application" flow, and for users that were not able to checkout successfully (in case of a checkout ending in a decline or error).

  • consumerId - a dedicated ChargeAfter ID associated with the customer. There's no requirement for the merchant to store or process these values

  • availableCredit - an array that returns to the merchant all the information on credit approvals throughout the process. It is informational only - like with consumerId, There's no requirement for the merchant to store or process these values.

  • data - information that was collected before and during the checkout flow. This object contains the following fields:

consumerDetailsobjectNon-sensitive consumer details that they entered during the checkout flow - use this information to process the order in the merchant’s systems.
lenderobjectThe lender that is behind the selected financing option, as detailed below

The Lender Object

idstringThe lender’s unique identifier in our system
namestringThe lender’s name
  • error - an error object containing details about the failure. This parameter will be null in case of a successful checkout flow. The object type will be:

Error codes:

BACK_TO_STOREConsumer clicked the “Back to Store” button
CONSUMER_CANCELLEDConsumer intentionally closed the Checkout UI
CREATE_SESSION_FAILEDCheckout creation or merchant settings fetch failed
BILLING_SHIPPING_MISMATCHBilling and shipping address must be the same
GENERALSome general error occured (message should provide more information)