JUMP TOIntroductionOverviewAuthenticationAPI Changes GuidelinesAPI FOR MERCHANTSCheckout ManagementCreate a new SessionpostGet interactive tokengetGet lender accounts and offersgetGet accounts with offers for consumerpostGet accounts with offers with existing applicationIdpostCreate new charge with accountTokenpostGet application statusgetChargesCharge statesCreate a new ChargepostGet details of a ChargegetUpdate a ChargepatchUpdate delivery datapostRefund a ChargepostSettle a ChargepostVoid a ChargepostConsumer ManagementGet consumer detailsgetGet accounts by consumerIdgetFundingsGET funding reportgetAPI FOR LENDERSDisputes ManagementUsing ids with Disputes ManagementCreate a disputeputResolve a disputepostReopen a resolved disputepostReverse the chargeback transactionputAdd notes and/or upload supporting documents for a disputepostAssign the dispute to Merchant or LenderputGet dispute detailsgetWebhooksMerchants NotificationsLEGACY APISLegacy Consumer ManagementGet consumer infogetGet legal infogetPowered by Get legal infoget https://api-sandbox.ca-dev.co/v2/post-sale/consumers/{consumerid}/legal-infoGeting legal info from lenders